Victoria Arduino
Victoria Arduino

Είμαστε αντιπρόσωποι και παρέχουμε εξουσιοδοτημένο σέρβις των κορυφαίων μηχανών και μύλων εσπρέσο Victoria Arduino.

Victoria Arduino was founded in 1905 by Pier Teresio Arduino, with the aim of building an espresso machine that did not compromise on quality, materials or performance. The result redefined the perimeters of modern espresso coffee machines. The company is now based in Belforte del Chienti, Italy, and continues the tradition of Pier Teresio Arduino investing in research to offer the most advanced espresso technologies.

Victoria Arduino is 2015-2017 World Barista Championship official partner with its VA388 Black Eagle espresso machine that is used by the best world’s baristas . All share the same passion that drives us in our mission to build the ultimate espresso coffee machine.

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